As we close in on the end of Black History month, which honors the remarkable achievements of African Americans, let’s pause to recognize the impact of just a few Black technology pioneers: Garrett Morgan, Marie Van Brittan Brown, James E. West, Frank S. Greene, Dr. Mark E. Dean, Dr. Shirley Jackson, Otis Boykin and Gladys West.
Our advances in technology stand on their research, patents, inventions, and vision. We have them to thank for traffic signals, security systems, GPS systems, electrical, electronic and circuitry components, and fiber optic cables. These building blocks in technology are ingrained in our daily lives in so many invisible ways!
HSLC’s mission as a support organization providing technology for libraries owes its purpose and success to these pioneers and many others. Our goal is to ensure technology does the heavy lifting so you can focus on connecting with your communities.
We understand that librarians have a million other things to do besides troubleshooting technology issues. Technology needs to work for us, not the other way around. When it works, it is an unseen engine, quietly running in the background. But when technology doesn’t work, that failure pushes to the forefront, and impedes our ability to do the important parts of our jobs: registering people for programs, providing the public with access to the internet, checking out books and other materials, providing information from our websites, or posting on our social media pages.
In the end, HSLC wants its legacy to stand as a record of lifting up librarians and libraries, so they may lift up their communities. We are librarians and network technicians who understand how to make technology work for you!
Is there something on the technology front that is driving you crazy? Does your internet slow down at certain times of the day? Are PC updates interfering with your operating hours? Is your Wi-Fi spotty? Do you need a technology plan? An ILS migration plan? Don’t let it overwhelm the important parts of your work. Give us a call. Let HSLC develop a custom plan to eliminate the annoyance. HSLC is ready to assist.

Maryam Phillips, Executive Director