
HSLC Board of Directors Application Form

Board Member Application

  • Summary of the Position

    Throughout the year HSLC seeks members for its Board of Directors, which has oversight responsibilities for the organization and its mission to support and promote libraries across Pennsylvania. The Board of Directors meets monthly, alternating between in-person and virtual meetings. One planning retreat is held in the fall, and lasts two days. In-person meetings are generally held between 10 AM and1 PM and the planning retreat location varies. In addition, board members are expected to commit 4-5 hours per month on board activities and/or committee work between meetings. Board members serve for 3-year terms.
  • To select more than one areas of expertise, hold Ctrl or the Cmd key, then highlight your desired areas with your mouse cursor.
  • Max. file size: 8 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.