
Business Information & Credentials

HSLC is registered to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the states of Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey.

HSLC was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 1988 under the name Health Sciences Libraries Consortium.

In 2015, HSLC re-organized under a new name: Hosting Solutions and Library Consulting.







HSLC Annual Report





990 filings are available at Candid. (GuideStar)

Employer Identification Number: 23-2499249

Federal SAM.gov Code: 53N07

PA Exempt Organization Number: 75-32854-0

PA Supplier Number: 129027


HSLC is accredited by the following organizations, demonstrating our compliance with best practices for nonprofit governance and fiscal accountability:

HSLC has been accredited by the Standards for Excellence Institute®, a national initiative established to promote the highest standards of ethics, effectiveness, and accountability in nonprofit governance, management, and operations, and to help all nonprofit organizations meet these high benchmarks.
Click here to find out more.


Candid. (GuideStar) is a database that houses information about nonprofits for the public to peruse when evaluating the mission and effectiveness of nonprofits. HSLC has earned the Candid. (GuideStar) Platinum Seal of Transparency. 


HSLC participates as a member of the following organizations:

  • American Library Association (ALA): The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” 
  • The Association for Small & Rural Libraries (ARSL): The Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) is a network of persons throughout the country dedicated to the positive growth and development of libraries. ARSL believes in the value of rural and small libraries and strives to create resources and services that address national, state, and local priorities for libraries situated in rural communities.
  • COUNTER: COUNTER is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of library, publisher and vendor members, who contribute to the development of the Code of Practice through working groups and outreach.
  • Library Technology Guides:  Library Technology Guides provides comprehensive and objective information surrounding the many different types of technology products and services used by libraries. It covers the organizations that develop and support library-oriented software and systems. The site offers extensive databases and document repositories to assist libraries as they consider new systems and is an essential resource for professionals in the field to stay current with new developments and trends.
  • Pennsylvania’s Black Librarians’ Caucus: The Pennsylvania Black Librarians’ Caucus is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, specifically for the purposes of improving the quality of library service in Black communities by supporting recruitment efforts, professional growth, advancement, and equal job opportunities for library professionals, including paraprofessionals, and through educational programming, peer support, mentoring and dissemination of information. 
  • Pennsylvania Library Association: Founded in 1901, the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) is the state’s oldest and most diverse professional library organization serving libraries, library employees, library trustees, and Friends of the Library groups.
  • Pennsylvania Museums: PA Museums is Pennsylvania’s statewide trade association serving museum professionals and institutions. Based in Harrisburg, PA Museums was founded in 1905 and during its long history was known as the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies and the Pennsylvania Federation of Museums and Historical Organizations. PA Museums is a non-profit membership organization with a long history of advocating for museums and the history field. 
  • PA Association of Nonprofit Organizations: PANO supports nonprofits through training, best practices, consultation, and discount programs. PANO amplifies its impact through research, public policy initiatives, and advocacy. Accredited by the national Standards for Excellence Institute, PANO imparts and upholds the highest standard of ethics and accountability in nonprofit governance, management, and operations. 
  • Pennsylvania School Librarians Association: The Pennsylvania School Librarians Association (PSLA) is a professional organization for school library professionals and library educators. The Pennsylvania School Librarians Association works to ensure excellence in school library programs. 
  • Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition: The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. that strives to close the digital divide by promoting high-quality broadband for anchor institutions and their communities. Members include hundreds of commercial and nonprofit organizations who support this mission.