
Vendor Questions

RFP Issued on September 6, 2024 – RFP Details

Questions & Answers:

Q: Would it be at all possible to extend the deadline for submission, preferably by two weeks?
A: Our deadline must remain September 30 given the anticipated amount of time we will devote to evaluation of proposals.

Q: Would it be possible to provide a list of the K-12 schools served by POWER Library?
A: If your products are already available in POWER Library, you have a list of current K12 accounts. However your list should include all the public and private schools in the Commonwealth, as any of them are allowed to join as POWER Library participants. You can obtain that information from PDE.

Q: Can you please confirm whether we can propose edits / exceptions to Attachment E?
A: As with prior procurements, if your company has objections to any of the terms proposed in this RFP, they are to be stipulated in your response.

Q: Would it be possible to share if POWER Library will / will not be exercising additional / option years for the contract resulting from the 2023 E-Resource RFP?
A: If no communication is forthcoming from HSLC by May 30, 2025, the optional years have been accepted.

Q: To confirm, can we offer multiple bundles per lot?
A: Yes

Q: To confirm, can we offer bundled (cost incentivized) pricing across all lots?
A: Yes

Q: Do we have to present pricing inclusive of academic libraries, or is this optional?
A: The Lot spreadsheets have two tabs, each referencing the authorized users.

Q: Is it okay if our submission is emailed only, or do we have to submit both electronically and in hardcopy (mailed in)?
A: If you wish to respond with an electronic only proposal, please notify HSLC so that a location can be shared with you to deliver it. Including a flash drive by mail would be appreciated, but is not required, and need not arrive by the proposal deadline, so long as the electronic copy is delivered on time.

Q: For Small Diverse Business Participation, can you please confirm this can be any small business located anywhere in the United States, so long as they are DGS-verified and meet the criteria of section V?
A: Confirmed, although PA-based companies are preferred.

Q: To confirm, the small business can be one that’s involved in day-to-day business, correct? E.g., a content / service contributor?
A: Confirmed

Q: To confirm, we should present one copy of Attachment D per lot, correct?
A: Correct

Q: If we are offering individual and bundled pricing options per lot, how would you prefer Small Diverse Business Participation be estimated? E.g., can we base % of actual Contract Spend Committed and Estimated $ value of Commitment on a bundle option? It’s our understanding actual dollar volume would be subject to POWER selection of individual or bundled resources, with final cost TBD.
A: Participation may be estimated across an entire Lot.

Q: If another bidder presents a larger percentage of Small Diverse Business Participation, do we still receive points towards evaluation / or how does the points allocation work for this criteria?
A: As stated in Part Two, Section II.4.C The evaluation weight for the Small Diverse Business Participation criterion for this RFP is not less than 10% of the total points. It can exceed 10% however.

Q: Do you intend to provide access to private K12 schools too?
A: All K-12 participants are authorized users, including private schools

Q: How would you be providing access? Only through public libraries? Or do you wish to set up access at school districts/sites
A: All sites need their own authenticated links/accounts.

Q: Regarding Attachment D, the SDB Partnership form. If we are not a Small Diverse Business and our SaaS solutions do not currently have SDB partnerships, is it necessary to complete Attachment D?
A: In that case, it is not necessary for you to complete Attachment D.

Q: In III-2. Qualifications: Prior Experience it states “Should the Offeror already have an established presence in POWER Library, this section is waived.” Does this mean that if our company already has a contract with POWER Library for another product, we do not need to submit references?
A: Correct. We have already vetted your company

Q: If the product we propose does not allow users in the United States under the age of 13 to create an account on our platform, are we allowed to only bid our service for public libraries and academic institutions in this RFP?
A: Yes, please make this stipulation clear in your proposal.

Q: Will this RFP be intended for public libraries or is it primarily for K12 and community colleges?
A: This RFP includes public libraries as authorized users, in addition to K-12 and community colleges.