
Follett Q&A

  • Question: What provisions are there for transactions when the internet is down?
    • Answer: Should Destiny Library Manager become unavailable, Destiny Administrators can continue to collect circulation information through our offline circulation utility and then process it when the system becomes available again.
  • Question: You mentioned updates.  How much control do we have regarding the upgrade schedule?  Can upgrades be scheduled outside of library hours?
    • Answer: Follett is proposing our Follett Cloud hosted solution. With the Follett Cloud Hosted solution, Follett provides advance email communication of all Destiny releases including major releases, auto-updates, enhancement to Destiny Discover and Destiny’s mobile apps. Releases are applied on weekends outside of normal library hours.
  • Question: Do you support infinite campus?
    • Answer: Yes, Destiny supports automating patron data from Infinite Campus. Infinite campus can auto send a patron file to an SFTP server that Destiny picks up nightly.
  • Question: Is there a way to link patron accounts like a family or responsible party and minors?
    • Answer: We have methods to link parent accounts to Destiny but would need to review the requirements needed for the state of Delaware. In the event we are selected in an RFP process, we will scope that process in a way that is agreeable to both parties.
  • Question: Can Mesh or Sears heading be automatically stripped in batch?
    • Answer: Yes, Destiny includes functionality that would allow a site to  ‘Manage Subjects’. Manage Subjects lets you designate the types of headings for your bibliographic records and can remove unwanted subject headings from your MARC bibliographic data.
  • Question: Is there an automated way of maintaining authority headings or reading programs/lexile?
    • Answer: Destiny Library Manager Supports Authority Record cataloging and you can look up an authorized heading in the system when cataloging. Destiny Library Manager also supports several reading programs, including Lexile, Fountas &Pinnell, Accelerated Reader, and Reading Counts. With Destiny you can hand catalog your reading program information or Follett offers an annual subscription to each which will populate reading program information automatically.
  • Question: If an item does not have a price in it can the system assign a default price by item type by library if a material is declared lost.
    • Answer:  Destiny Library Manager uses Circulation Types. Circulation Types are used to define the different types of Library Materials in each library collection. Each Circulation Type can have a Maximum Fine amount which is used when a book is marked lost and doesn’t contain a price.
  • Question: Is the system RFID enabled?
    • Answer: No, Follett doesn’t support SIP, NCIP, SIP2
  • Question: Related: Do you have a functional real-time RFID inventory solution?
    • Answer: Follett does not offer an RFID solution for Destiny Library Manager.
  • Question: Is there anything in place automatically for when a student graduates (to help clean up the system)? Or does it have to be handled by the schools individually?
    • Answer: Yes, Destiny Library Manager includes an automated patron inactivation / deletion process that can be customized.
  • Question: Are the self-check stations RFID enabled?
    • Answer: No, Follett doesn’t support SIP, NCIP, SIP2
  • Question: can notice text be modified?
    • Answer: Yes, the Current Checkout and Fines Report/Notices will allow you to modify the text for each notice.
  • Question: Can Destiny send overdue or pre-due (courtesy) messages via SMS?
    • Answer: No, Destiny Library doesn’t support sending overdue or pre-due notices via SMS. Overdue and/or pre-due notices can be printed or sent via email. Destiny Library Manager Supports up to 5 email addresses for each user.
  • Question: Is it possible to age overdue to a lost status after a certain number of notices?
    • Answer: Destiny Library Manager supports overdue to lost based on number of days overdue, not number of notices.
  • Question: Does the opac have a union concept to see statewide holdings rather than individual districts?
    • Answer: We have a variety of ways to address ILLs  and the needs of Delaware are likely unique. In the event we are selected in an RFP process, we will scope that process in a way that is agreeable to both parties.
  • Question: Can patrons self-register online?
    • Answer: Not at this time.
  • Question: Can patrons renew accounts themselves online?
    • Answer: Yes, if granted, patrons can renew items they have checked out.
  • Question: Will staff be able to see both e-checkouts and physical checkouts for the patron?
    • Answer: Staff can view the current checkout(s) of print materials for any patron with Destiny Library Manager. Viewing of eBook checkouts for staff from Patron Status, will vary by provider. Additionally, the logged in user can always view their own print and eBook checkout(s) for integrated eBooks providers within Destiny Library Manager.
  • Question: Is Hoopla supported?
    • Answer: No, not at this time.
  • Question: Can the patron suspend a hold without an unsuspend date (so that it never unsuspends)? Is it possible to allow materials to fill holds but not go into transit?
    • Answer: We have a variety of ways to address holds/ ILLs and the needs of Delaware are likely unique. In the event we are selected in an RFP process, we will scope that process in a way that is agreeable to both parties.